----- INTERVIEW ----- 
ADMIN - Tell me something about your background ? 

AASHNA - So i was born in a multi cultural environment, My Mother is a Hindu and My Father is a Muslim, They have a love marriage. <3 I grew up observing communal tensions first hand but My parents raised me to be a human before anything else, They never imposed their beliefs on me aside from being a part of different festivals ... 
We celebrate all kinds of festivals from Deepawali to Eid to Christmas. As a kid when my classmates used to ask me ''what are you?'' in terms of religion, I was taught to say '' I'm a human or I'm an Indian''.  So i grew up with a secular all embracing perspective towards religion and God.  I've been making art since i was a toddler, My mother is an art teacher. So i was always encouraged to create. I'm 25 years young now. 
I started taking art seriously when i decided to take it up for higher studies. 
Right now I'm pursuing a PhD in Visual Art from Sanchi University near Sanchi. 

ADMIN - Did your upbringing prompt a specific reference point with your work? 

AASHNA - In a way it does, because since I don't have a concrete or absolute focal point in terms of religion or even community, being a hybrid child. I tend to search for answers and have a curiosity to probe into the idea of belief itself, and my art is informed by that in a way. It's kind of like a visual search for meaning, where you feel like a nomad camping in different belief camps from time to time, moving forward and finding new ones. 

ADMIN - :)
ADMIN - How does this impact you now? How you see the world and create art? 
AASHNA - Somedays I'm into Hindu philosophy, somedays I'm listening to Islamic ideas from my friend. Somedays I'm reading about Taoism and Lao-Tzu, Somedays It's Buddhism.. So all this eventually seeps into my art too, different symbols and themes.. But they're all in a soup of my own personality, Obviously impacted by my interpretation of these ideas, which isn't perfect, but it drives my mind to find these ideas and represent them visually. 
I see the world as a composite of different kinds of humans, all interpreting reality in their own unique ways, creating ripples... and art comes to me like an understanding of this whole show. Like an interpretation, I get flashes of images ( like a rough glimpse of the painting ) and I'm almost compelled to draw it... That is how i create art eventually.  
ADMIN - :) 

AASHNA - It's like how hunger compelled us to travel different lands when we started out as humans, artistic drive compelled the artist to travel different planes and satiate the urge to create.

ADMIN  - Definitely. :) Can we talk a little bit more about your educational background? 

AASHNA - Everywhere i went to study, my Mother was a teacher in the same school, So i was supposed to do well, LOL. I'm really not good at Math, Mostly due to being embarrassed at an early age ( we've all been there ) So i took Humanities after 10th, Where I surprisingly did really well academically. I've been getting 90% plus since then, throughout BFA... Then masters, Now PhD.  I've grown to really like studying the subjects I like, Be it psychology, history of art, philosophy etc...

I also qualified for Junior Research Fellowship by UGC recently, for which i'm thankful because of it I get to pursue my research. 

My schooling was done in Bhopal as it is my birth place. I changed like 4 - 5 schools. I did my bachelors from AMITY UNIVERSITY in Jaipur. 
I got a 100% scholarship there based on my 12th marks.. Then I decided to come back to Bhopal and do my masters in my hometown in Drawing and painting from Barkatullah University, I got a gold medal there. It was then when i came to know about Sanchi University. Which was offering for scholarships in PhD, I managed to get the one seat they had for the course. Enrolling in research was a pivotal moment cause since then I've dived even deeper into my subject and philosophy overall... 

ADMIN - You must be proud of yourself after achieving so much in academics ? 

AASHNA  - HAHA, I'm just very luck because I had supportive parents who let me pursue all of that, not everyone gets the chance to explore their potentials. When you do what you love. You're bound to do well than if you're forced to do stuff you don't have the aptitude for. Also lucky cause I had really good teachers, thats a veryyy important thing growing up for a kid.

ADMIN - That's so true. The luck was with you and may the luck be with you for future as well. 🌺

ADMIN - So is there any experience that may have contributed to your evolution as an artist while pursuing your education in art schools and art classes ?

AASHNA - Learning about different artists, different art movements makes you aware of the different ways artists explore themselves, and in art school they urge you to find your own "style"...but i really had a hard time creating one, because I like jumping into different techniques and methods and styles. The art world prefers artists to stick to a niche, and stay there because it's easier for the galleries to put you into a box. I have a love hate relationship with art world because of this. There’s a pressure to perform in a certain way, act a certain way (the stereotype of artist with the cloth bag and fancy shit.) So all of this has made me stick to the fringes of this world...I like keeping my art personal, refraining from too many shows or performing to fill a box. I like to keep my reference point of being an "artist" to the cave people who would draw on caves out of the sheer urge to create. Not to sell out shows or earn millions through it. 

ADMIN - Basically being in underworld of underground. So it would not be wrong to call you an underground artist as I do all the time when I mention you?

AASHNA - Haha, yes I think!

ADMIN - Okay, so what does your work aim to say?

AASHNA - Um, I don't have an agenda in particular, I'm a very confused artist lol. I just keep finding new things that intrigue me about life and reality, and my interpretations come out as visual art.. sometimes I write poems too. 

My work is my understanding of reality...I usually however create about the human experience, our place in the cosmos, mysticism and science and the dance they do around our beliefs...making meaning out of concepts. 

ADMIN - Okay. 
Do your work comment on political issues?

AASHNA - No, I don't think I have an informed opinion about politics. And its all also very temporary..politics, communal issues, nations and their identities. That said, I respect artists who make political art though, they are important for the society...but its not my forté.

ADMIN - Do you feel afraid of creating? As the current situation against artistic freedom in India? It's almost like an aggressive revolution movement against artistic freedom. Do you feel bounded because of it? Though you've answered it's not your forte and I respect that.

AASHNA - Yes, I think everyone feels a threat to open expression these days. That is why i love the ones fighting for the freedom of expression. Though forget the government, I get flack for portraying nudity or fringe concepts from my relatives and other people who have a different expectation out of art than what I make. So i get it, not everyone is bound to like or even understand everything...

ADMIN - Okay successful attempt to get an answer on that question. ☺️

AASHNA - ( Laughs ) :) 

ADMIN - So who are your biggest influence ?

AASHNA - Da Vinci, hands down. He's one of the most legandary artist, from stealing corpeses for studying anatomy to taking 12 years to make a set of lips (Monalisa)...he was one crazy man. Madness is inspiring in art. Other artists I respect for the genius is William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Van Gogh for his dedication for art, Auguste Rodin (creator of The Thinker)..there’s too many 😅

ADMIN - Is there a particular artist who inspires you to pursue art? Or inspired you back then?

AASHNA - Not directly I think...but knowing about different artists and their reasons for making art instills appreciation for the ways and depth into which art liberates artists, socially, spiritually and psychologicaly.

ADMIN - Do you relate yourself to  the Hippie movement or Psychedelic movement as you make Psychedelic art as well? 

AASHNA - Hmm, I don't necessarily relate to the hippie movement because I wasn't there, and the political and social conditions inspired that particular atmosphere. But the enduring need for Psychedelic exploration in a responsible and mindful way continues to inspire me to dissolve boundaries... this isn't one movement in a particular time, but a continuous relationship between humans and psychoactive substances, found in religion, shamanic and tribal cultures.. Points to the total acceptance of the mind and its darkest corners.

ADMIN - Can we talk a little more about your research and your research topic? 

AASHNA - So my research topic is about the Indian Roots of Visionary Art. There is a growing culture of visionary art in the west, but when you read about it, you find an abundance of it in our own culture since earliest of times. Basically, Visionary Art deals with the art where the artist traverses into alternate states of consciousness to discover the images in those realms. Strikingly a look into these practices of meditation, trance states, dreams and psychoactive use yield a number of coinciding images and themes. So what intrigues me is, why is this? This led me into an in depth study of Indian philosophy, images from caves, tribal cultures which futher got inculcated into religion, into the study of consciousness itself. It's an interesting pursuit which I've just begun...but it's going to be a wild one.

ADMIN - What genre does your work fall into? 

AASHNA - Its a Visual Art research, in a largely philosophical approach.
 but it'll be citing Scientific research related to these phenomena, about meditation and consciousness as well.

ADMIN - How have you developed your career? Though we have an idea of it. You can just give a cohesive narrative of it. ( Short note )

AASHNA - I've mostly done freelance work here and there, wall paintings, custom art..I've done collabs with artists and photographers...I enjoy these and will continue to do them. Though I'm looking forward to a career as an academician, with art making a personal pursuit.

I've participated in exhibitions in Bhopal, Jaipur, Lucknow and Indore. Currently my art is with White Canvas Gallery where they're showcasing it in USA and Canada. 
 I've won Artist of the Year award for 5 consecutive years in my school days. Got Gold Medal from Barkatullah Uni for consistent academic performance. 100% Scholarship award for all 4 years from Amity Jaipur. 
This is how i assume my career got developed. 

Internet is my window for getting the world out in the world. It's how Ive reached the people Ive reached because im a hardcore introvert 😅

ADMIN - how do you cultivate a collector base? 
Do you participate in art fares or enter jurried competition ? Do you sell your work online through website Or online marketplace? 

AASHNA - I have a small audience of people online who appreciate and enjoy my artwork, and I get enough collector base from there.
 I do participate in fares occasionally, don't really enjoy competitions a lot.
I do have a website for my art, 
(Mentioning her website ) 

ADMIN -  Do you seek out commissioned public art project?

AASHNA - I do seek comission works and public art projects, they connect me to like minded people and cool new artists which I enjoy. I'm hoping to engage locally more in the future..

ADMIN - How do you navigate the art world?

AASHNA - In a casual a nomad.

ADMIN - How do you price your work?

AASHNA - Based on size and detail and technique.

ADMIN - What's the most valuable piece of art to you?

AASHNA - Value for an artwork is a mental construct mostly. I refrain from getting attached to artworks, practicing letting go, since I lose some art, sadly.😅

ADMIN - Why do you think the youth is attracted to art?

AASHNA - Need of expression drives the youth to art. It promotes individuality and self expression and provides a sense of belonging.

ADMIN - Which current art world trend are you following?

AASHNA - I'm not up to speed with the trends I guess. But I'm of the Instagram artist realm I guess 😛 More of an online presence. 

ADMIN - What are some ways you work with artist?

AASHNA - Exchanging ideas, brainstorming...collective procrastination 🤣



Q - What is art?
A- Expression.

Q - Should art be used to express beauty and the ugly side of life?

A - Definitely. Art can be used in infinite number of ways.

Q - What is a real artist?
A - Anyone who makes art.

Q - Are you a real artist? 

A - Maybe 😅

Q - Do you feel the need to shout?

A - Oh yes. 

Q - Are you being true to yourself with your art?
A - Self keeps keeps I think yes.

Q - Do people ask you to make art for free?

A - too many times. 

Q - Do you think your art will bring change to the world?

A - every small act creates a ripple effect. But i don't necessarily assign meaning to the ripple.

Q - What does it mean to be original and unique? 
A - Its a matter of perspective and presentation for me. An artist can be original even if they're copying another...
                                        __________ T H E - E N D __________

 I hope it was fun and wonderful to chat for so long. Thank you so much for doing this and your time. There is so much more to ask but because of time we should let go of it now. 😊🌸❤️

( Thanks to all those who are reading this. Lot's of love and blessings to you.

"Shedding my Self" oil on canvas. 
Portrait of me shedding my "self"...a dive into a world which obsessively asks you to find yourself, I realized you don't really find yourself but more so Create yourself; from your experiences, from birth to death and everything in between you make your self and call it "me". In this painting i explore what's beyond this self? Is it a void, an outer space like cold place where nothing lives ? Or is it like a nebula where a dying self gives birth to new ideas beyond itself?

'Kundalini Awakening'
a painting I made a few years ago...Kundalini is believed to be a primal energy revered and recognised across many cultures, described as a slumbering coiled serpent at the base of the spine which can be awakened through various practices of meditation... and when this dormant energy is freed it flows upward through the seven chakras – which are the energy centers of our body – and leads to an expanded state of consciousness,  known as a kundalini awakening. 
This painting is a psychedelic adventure into the mysteries of the mind and the body, an exploration which an artist makes in order to understand and fathom the unknown. .

"Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate"

A piece I technically began in 2016 in Goa, but finished today. Some things take time to understand, take in and execute. Black holes are the darkest thing of our spectacular universe, and they produce the brightest most blinding thing in the universe, Quasars. Everything is related, corresponding to and balanced with everything else. Dark breeds light and light gives way to darkness, both are necessary to understand the other. A light and life giving star is engulfed by a mysterious black hole, but that is not the end, we may not fully understand it yet but the universe is suspended in perfect balance. Always


~Painting this was like finding another world inside my head! The essence of the sea culiminates into this composition, with its colors and its depth, enveloping and consuming. There are no parts, there is only the entire cosmos reflected into everything, even in a conch shell floating in the depths of the ocean. .

( Creative Contemplation  )

'Bold New World' )


Saraswati (Sanskrit: सरस्वती, IAST: Sarasvatī) is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, art, wisdom, and learning. She is a part of the trinity (Tridevi) of Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati. ) 






She look like a painting but its not a painting. :) 


  1. It was such a lovely read. I love how I can understand the artists persona through all of the questions asked and understand much more about experiences of the Aashna herself. It's beautifully curated and well Aashna is a great human being overall.

    1. Thanks, I made sure that the questions i ask clear a lot of doubts in the minds of young artist and everyone may learn something out of this interview also i tried my best to make sure other artists can relate to it.
      Thank you so much for your time and showing your love here in the comment section. <3
      - Admin

  2. Commendable work. Thoroughly enjoyed the artistic take on this blog. Keep it up. 👍💫

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read our first interview. Much appreciated. <3
      Will try my best to keep things this way.
      Stay tuned for more. :)

  3. She's Art who's also an Artist. Thanks Neshama!

    1. Indeed mi friend. :)
      Thanks to you too for your time. <3
      Stay tuned for more.

  4. To those who are leaving comments.
    You guys are legend and we love you to the core. <3 <3 <3


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